Monday, January 25, 2021

A Beacon of Hope - SOLD

 I am always amazed at how God brings people into our lives that we never would have met except for that moment when we were sitting in a meeting together and started talking and felt an immediate connection.  Our ages were way different, in fact I could have been her mother but we connected over a similar circumstance where we understood each other's pain.  She was a college student and I lived in a nearby city so we started visiting.  Virginia came to hang out with me on my pier at the lake and I got to appreciate the unique young woman she would become.  Several years have passed now and she is married, has a beautiful little daughter and has a dream.  She and her husband share the same be a Beacon of Hope to the world and I know she was always destined for that calling.


  1. Oh my gosh. This is exactly what I envisioned!! This painting and your words will be such an encouragement to them. Thank you sooooo much!!!

  2. Oh my gosh. You have certainly captured the beauty of St Simons Lighthouse. Your painting will always remind me of the memories we have of this special place and of you. I thank our Lord for bringing you into my precious daughter’s life then and now! Hope in Him brings me comfort for the future!
