Sunday, August 16, 2020

Heartsong - SOLD

 I listen to a lot of podcasts when I am walking.  One particular podcast by The Oprah Winfrey Show dated October 19, 2001 was entitled, "How Does That Feel?"  The show focused on an interview with Oprah talking to Mattie Stephanek, an 11 year old boy who had muscular dystrophy. 

His goal in life was to be a peacemaker .  He wrote several books of poetry that he described as "Heartsongs".  The wisdom this little guy possessed touched my heart.  I just cried listening to him describe his life and his philosophy.  You can google his quotes and I think you will agree that he was full of wisdom much greater than his age.  I have included a couple of his quotes here:

"A heart song doesn't have to be a song in your heart.  It doesn't have to be talking about love and peace.  It can just be your message.  It can be your feeling.  Some people might even call it a conscience, even though that's not really what it is.  It's your message, what you feel like you need to do."

"I would not have lasted a minute, literally a minute, on this Earth with God and angels by my side, because I was born.  And right as I was born, I went into a respiratory arrest.  So, big things that keep me going are friends and family, God.  And another think is looking forward to what's going to happen tomorrow."

"I want to be remembered as a poet, a peacemaker, and a philosopher who played."

This painting is my heartsong.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marcia,
    I’m so glad my words brought you some joy. Yes, after reading so many of your posts I do feel like you are a kindred soul because I feel so deeply & express my feelings with sincere authenticity & that’s what you do here.

    I’m so glad you reminded me about Mattie as I saw him on Oprah several times. He was such a beautiful, spiritual & wise child for his age. We should all learn what our “Heartsong” is & share it in a way that makes the world a better place. And I feel such joy in knowing about your journey (from the 1st post I responded to) & how you dealt with someone you love so deeply & how you both found your own “Heartsong”.
    Best to you,
