Saturday, March 14, 2020

Social Distancing

 8" x 10" acrylic on Belgium linen panel
$125 + shipping

We all now know the importance of "social distancing" and doing our part to stay healthy and be safe.  I have a friend who posted a wonderful list of possible things to do while taking part in social distancing:  (thank you Sarah Trovillion Gray)

1.  Make soup, make bread.
2.  Get those taxes done.
3.  It's fine to go outside.  work in the yard, weather permitting.  Plant a garden.
4.  Work a jigsaw puzzle, play board games.
5.  Figure out how you can get along with less money.  Lots of people will have less money.
6.  Do that spring cleaning.  Wash the curtains and baseboards.  Clean out the closets.
7.  Read!
8.  Listen to music.  Make music.
9.  Think.  Reflect.  Journal.
10.  Breathe.  Relax.  Watch the birds.
11.  Connect.  Call friends and family.  Write letters, thank you notes.  Tell others what they have meant to you.

Be well everyone!

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